
Liu Mingsheng Holds Talks with Darmawan Prasodjo, President of PLN


Liu Mingsheng, President of China Datang held talks with Darmawan Prasodjo, President of PLN, who was in Beijing for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) held from Oct. 17 to 18. They had a deep conversation on strengthening international energy cooperation and witnessed the strategic agreement signed between China Datang Overseas Investment Co. and PLN NP.

Peng Yong, Vice President of China Datang, and Hartanto Wibowo, Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development of PLN, also attended the above activities.

Liu thanked Darmawan for long-term support for?China Datang's?development in?Indonesia. He said, Indonesian government is optimizing the energy structure by accelerating the growth of renewable energy. Under this circumstance, China Datang will strengthen the cooperation with PLN to advance the PV project and other new energy projects, thus promoting the social and economic development in Indonesia. China Datangs willing to jointly advance the transition to green growth in Indonesia with PLN.

Darmawan spoke highly of China Datang's technological know-how and organizational capabilities, as well as China Datangs efforts on energy conservation, ?emission reduction and energy transformation. PLN looks forward to strengthening practical cooperation between two sides and promoting sustainable development of cooperative projects. Meanwhile, both parties should explore more diversified models of cooperation and achieved positive results in promoting Indonesia's energy structure transformation and carbon emission reduction goals by fully leveraging their respective advantages.?

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