
Zhang Chuanjiang Attends Saudi-Chinese High Level Energy Cooperation Session


On October 19th, the high-level meeting on energy cooperation between Saudi Arabia and China was jointly organized by Ministry of Energy of Saudi Arabia and National Energy Administration in Beijing. The Director of NEA, Zhang Jianhua, and Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abudulaziz Alsaud, the Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia, attended the meeting.

Zhang Chuanjiang, the Vice President of China Datang, attended the meeting and exchanged views with government officials from Ministry of Energy of Saudi Arabia and NEA, as well as business leaders from Saudi Electricity Company (SEC)and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation(SABIC), aiming to strengthen international energy cooperation and jointly build a green "Belt and Road".

Executives of relevant departments and enterprises from China Datang also attended the meeting.

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