
Coral Reef Restoration and Mangrove Planting:China Datang’s Contribution to Protecting Marine Ecosystems


Project At-a-Glance

PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia has 3 IPPs operating across several areas in Indonesia namely Sumsel Power Plant,Kendari Power Plant and Kalteng Power Plant , with the total installed capacity of 690MW. The IPPs had won Awards such as "The Subroto Awards (appreciation award for energy efficiency)","Zero Accident Award" "10 million man-hours with no lost-time accidents (LTIs)", and "Best Power Performance Award"? from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Manpower of Indonesia respectively.?


Sumsel,Kendari and Kalteng Power Plant

The project of Coral Reef Restoration and Mangrove Planting was initiated in 2023 by PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia, a subsidiary of China Datang Overseas Investment Co.Ltd., in cooperation with Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) of Halu Oleo University (UHO) and the local government authorities including Environmental Service, Maritime and Fisheries Service (DKP) of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra), Environmental Service (DLH) of South Konawe Regency (Konsel), as well as the local army, the police department, the communities and villages around the power plant site. Focusing on environmental protection by means of coral reef restoration and mangrove cultivation and transplantation, the project has played an important role in purifying seawater, preventing winds and waves, and maintaining biodiversity. What’s more, the project helps building a long-term ecological protection plan to promote the sustainable development of the local marine ecosystem.?


Project Achievements

The coral reef restoration project has realized two phases of coral reef restoration, installed 200 coral spiderwebs (for coral reef rescue) and 100 fish habitats, and completed the transplantation of 1,400 coral plants. Monitoring data showed that the survival rate of coral transplantation was as high as 89%. The efforts made for the restoration and reproduction of coral reefs, and the improved marine ecosystem, providing a suitable habitat and breeding environment for many marine organisms.


The mangrove planting project has cultivated 30,000 mangrove seedlings in the base of "Mangrove Nursery Park", transplanted 32,000 mangrove seedlings, exceeding the plan of 10,000, covering an area of about 32,000 square meters of mudflats, and absorbing 2,202 tons of carbon dioxide annually. The project protects the coastal ecosystem involves conserving mangrove, plays a crucial role in combating climate change by storing carbon, safeguarding coastlines from erosion, and supporting diverse marine life.



Social Recognition

PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia was awarded TOP CSR Awards 2024 STAR 5 for its outstanding performance of fulfilling social responsibility, which was reported by Xinhua News Agency, Aurnal Post Indonesia, Kepri.co.id and other well-known Chinese and Indonesian media.



From this project, we can see that Chinese energy companies not only empower the local communities by developing clean energy projects, but also fulfill their social responsibilities by protecting the eco-environment and contributing to global sustainable development. Chinese enterprises are making every effort to build global image, and showing our determination and action to advance green development and human-nature harmonious coexistence under the Belt and Road Initiative.

The project fully demonstrates the spirit of international cooperation between China and the participating countries of the "Belt and Road". China Datang and Indonesian government authorities, academic institutions, and communities work together to strength exchanges and cooperation in climate change, as well as friendship. Such cross-border cooperation not only helps to fight the climate crisis, but also demonstrates China's sense of responsibility as a major country, and lays a solid foundation for expanding win-win cooperation between China and other countries.

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