
Laos Pak Beng Hydropower Project (planned capacity of 912MW)


Pak Beng Hydropower Station is in upper reach of Mekong River and the first cascade of hydropower development projects on the river planned by the Lao government, the national key project of the Laos government's "Ninth five-year Plan" and the key pillar of cross-border power trade between Laos and Thailand, and one of Third Round of Key Projects in China-Laos Production Capacity and Investment Cooperation. It will advance the China-Thailand-Laos Connectivity, help to turn Laos into ASEAN’s energy hub and the 'battery' of Southeast Asia, and support Thailand playing a critical role in ASEAN power grid.

The planned capacity of the power station is 912 megawatts, which is mainly for power generation, taking into account the functions of shipping, fishing and so on. The annual utilization hours of the project is expected to 5246 hours, and the average power generation for many years is expected to be 4.784 billion kWh. According to the PPA agreement signed with Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), the project will provide 100% power to Thailand after completion, and will promote the development of transportation, tourism and other industries in the region where the project is located. What’s more, it will promote the social, economic, and environmental well-being of local communities.

The project is scheduled to begin commercial operation on January 1, 2033.

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